Croats demand to deprive Modrica captain's armband

17 June 2017, 17:01 | Football
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Real Madrid midfielder Luka Modric was in the midst of a scandal in his home country.

The 31-year-old midfielder appeared in court as a witness in the case of Zdravko Mamich, who is a very controversial person in Croatian football.

Mamich is considered one of the most corrupt football officials in the country and is accused of deducing 20 million euros from the club coffers of Zagreb Dynamo.

Participation of Luka in the trial brought under fire and his. The midfielder received from the fans such offensive nicknames as "Sh * Juha Mamicha" and "Money Machine", which were written on banner ads near the courthouse, as well as in the form of graffiti on the streets of Zagreb.

Fans believe that Modric illegally received part of the money from his transfer to Tottenham in 2008, then dividing them with Mamich by prior agreement.

The wave of dissatisfaction of Croatian fans is so strong that many fans of football have openly called for to deprive Luke captain's bandage in the national team. Thus, Modric just a moment turned from a national football hero into an object of hatred from the fans.

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