The reception of tickets for the UEFA Super Cup began

14 June 2017, 14:35 | Football
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Anyone wishing to attend the UEFA Super Cup match between Real Madrid and Manchester United can apply for tickets on the official website of the organization.

The UEFA Super Cup will be held on August 8 in Macedonian Skopje. The trophy will be played by the winner of the Champions League Real Madrid and the triumphant of the League of Europe Manchester United.

The official website of UEFA announces the beginning of the application for tickets for the match. This process will last until July 4.

Exclusive tickets are sold only to UEFA. Com. Each applicant has the right to claim a maximum of four tickets.

Tickets are divided into 3 price categories - for 15, 30 and 50 euros.

Tickets will not be sold on a first-come-first-served basis, so that everyone will have an equal chance to attend the match.

If the demand for tickets exceeds the offer, then upon completion of the acceptance of applications, a lottery will be held, participation in which will be accepted by all correctly submitted applications regardless of the time of filing on time.

Until July 14, all applicants will be informed about the fate of their applications via e-mail. Applicants can also check the status of their applications on the ticket portal using their login and password. Tickets will be delivered by courier service until the end of July. Tickets can only be paid with a Visa / Mastercard credit card and can not be transferred to third parties.

You can apply on the official website of UEFA.

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