PAOK can invite Rebrov after a failure with Lucescu

07 June 2017, 14:50 | Football
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Greek football club PAOK examines ex-mentor Dynamo Sergei Rebrov as a new head coach.

Once rivals for the championship of Ukraine, Sergei Rebrov and Mircea Lucescu initially were contenders for the post of head coach of PAOK.

Initially, the Greeks turned to Lucescu, but the Romanian specialist put forward excessive financial requirements for the club from Thessaloniki. Mircea wants to earn 3.

5 million euros per year, while PAOK is able to offer only half the amount.

Unable to agree with Lucescu, the club turned to ex-mentor Dynamo Sergei Rebrov, who at the moment is out of work.

The owner of PAOK is the Russian Ivan Savvidi, because with Rebrov it will be much easier for him to find a common language.

At the moment the Ukrainian specialist took time to meditate.

Following the end of the season PAOK took the 2nd place in the championship of Greece.

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