Manchester United and Arsenal want to get Asensio

07 June 2017, 14:48 | Football
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Real Madrid midfielder Marco Asensio fell into the sphere of interests of English clubs.

This season the 21-year-old Spanish midfielder has loudly announced himself, having played a key role in a number of Real Madrid wins both in the Champions League matches and in the La Liga games.

The crown of the successful season for Asensio was a goal in the final of the most prestigious European club tournament - Marco sent to the gate Juventus fourth ball.

As reported by Don Balon, his play promising midfielder drew the attention of Arsenal and Manchester United, who expressed a desire to acquire a Spaniard.

On the interest of English clubs, Real Madrid president Florentino Perez was told by the football player.

According to the source, in this way, the agent Marco tried to improve the financial terms of the player's contract, which is calculated before 2022.

Also, the desire to sign a midfielder expressed the Italian Roma.

In the completed drawing of the La Liga, Asencio scored 3 goals and 2 assists. In addition, Marco scored in the gate of Bavaria and Juventus in the Champions League, and also became the author of the goal in the match for the European Super Cup against Seville.

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