Juventus Stadium will be renamed

01 June 2017, 18:38 | Football
photo football.ua
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The Juventus Arena will be named after the July 1 Allianz Stadium.

In the last six years the new arena of the Old Lady did not bear any special name and was simply called the Juventus Stadium.

Now the club has found an official sponsor, having concluded a contract with the company Sportfive. The amount of the transaction is estimated at 75 million euros, and under its terms from July 1, the arena will be renamed the Allianz Stadium (Allianz Stadium) - the official website of bianco neri.

Thus, the stadium Juve will join the "family" of the stadiums Allianz, which exists since 2005. At the moment it includes the Allianz Arena (home stadium of Bavaria), as well as a number of stadiums in London, Sydney, Nice and other major cities.

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