Dibala: I do not see any obvious favorites in the Champions League

20 April 2017, 14:10 | Football
photo football.ua
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Forward Juventus Paulo Dibala shared his emotions after the fight with Barcelona (0: 0).

Juventus on the road played with Barcelona in a draw 0: 0, which allowed the team to enter the semifinals of the Champions League.

"Do not miss out on the match with Barcelona - it is very difficult, so we are very satisfied with our game. When we looked at the draw together, we said to each other that we want any team other than Barcelona, ??"- quotes Dibalou official website of UEFA.

"Now I do not see any obvious favorites in the tournament, all four teams have equal chances for the trophy. Let's see who will get to us now ".

The draw for the semifinals will be held tomorrow, April 21. Possible rivals of the Old Lady - Monaco, Real Madrid and Atletico.

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