“Ali is not the greatest”: Holyfield announced the name of the best boxer in history

Today, 13:50 | boxing
photo iSport.ua
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Former world champion Evander Holyfield speaks out about who is the best boxer in history.

According to the legendary American fighter, this title should belong to him.

" However, everyone keeps talking about Muhammad Ali, but I broke his record. I'm the only four-time world champion for 24 years.

Nevertheless, no one talks about this, as if they were simply erased from history. I didn’t know that I became the only absolute heavyweight and super heavyweight champion until Usik achieved it.

Ali is not the greatest boxer because I am. He became world champion three times, and I did it four times,” SecondsOut quotes Holyfield as saying..

Earlier, Evander Holyfield assessed his hypothetical fight with Alexander Usyk.

Based on materials: secondsout.com

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