Biathlon: results of the first mass start of the 2024/25 World Cup season

09 December 2024, 14:02 | Sports
photo ТСН.ua
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On Sunday, December 8, at the first stage of the 2024/25 Biathlon World Cup in Kontiolahti, Finland, the men’s mass start took place. Ukraine was represented in the race by three biathletes - Vitaly Mandzyn, Anton Dudchenko and Dmitry Pidruchny. The best result among Ukrainians was shown by Dudchenko, who finished 12th. Pidruchny became 24th, and Mandzyn took 27th place. Frenchman Eric Perrault won the first mass start of the World Cup season. His compatriot Quentin Fillon-Maillet finished second, and the Norwegian Sturla L?greid completed the top three. Biathlon World Cup 2024/25: results of the men's mass start in Kontiolahti1. Eric Perrault (France, 0+1+0+0) 37:12. 92. Quentin Fillon-Mahiet (France, 1+1+1+0) +9. 13. Sturla Laegreid (Norway, 0+1+0+1)+11. 54. Danilo Rithmluller (Germany (0+0+0+1) +17. 75. Vebjorn Soerum (Norway, 1+0+1+1) +34. 66. Vetle Sjastad Christiansen (Norway, 0+0+1+1) +45. 12. Anton Dudchenko (Ukraine, 0+0+0+0) +1:13. 124. Dmitry Pidruchny (Ukraine, 1+1+1+2) +2:16. 827. Vitaly Mandzyn (Ukraine, 1+1+0+2) +2:57. 7The stage in Kontiolahti will end on December 8 with a women’s mass start, which will begin at 18:10 Kyiv time.

Ukraine will not have a single representative in this race. Where to watch the Biathlon World Cup races On the territory of Ukraine, all Biathlon World Cup races will be broadcast live on the website and TV channel Suspilne Sport, as well as on local TV channels of Suspilne. You can also watch the races on the online television platform Kyivstar TV on the Suspilne Kiev channel. And with the promotional code TSNUA, get premium access to the film and television platform for 7 days.

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