Ukraine appeals the disqualification of Harlan from the World Fencing Championship: can she be returned to the competition

27 July 2023, 20:24 | Sports
photo ТСН.ua
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Ukraine will appeal against the " The intention to appeal the decision of the International Fencing Federation (FIE) was announced by the President of the Fencing Federation of Ukraine Mikhail Ilyashev on the air of the telethon " He noted that filing an appeal would not return Harlan to the competition in the individual championship, but could allow her to get the right to compete in the team fencing tournament at the current world championship, which takes place in Milan.. " After all, the referee, who directly worked at this fight, did not give a black card, did not disqualify her. It was then that the " This disqualification appeared after the next opponent of Olga Harlan was determined, even a judge was appointed for the next fight. We hope that the consideration of the appeal will be completed in the next few days..

But we can no longer talk about her being returned to these competitions.. In this case, we will try to achieve that this black card is canceled, a disqualification that will entail the impossibility of her participation in the team competition, which will be in a few days in Milan. And it is important for us that our team performs. There will still be no so-called " Earlier it was reported that Harlan faces a long suspension due to the provocation of a Russian woman at the World Fencing Championship.

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