An unexploded 500-kilogram shell was found at a destroyed football stadium in Chernihiv

21 April 2022, 13:11 | Sports
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The head of the Chernihiv OVA, Vyacheslav Chaus, announced that an unexploded FAB-500 shell was found at the stadium of the local Desna team.

This is a 500 kg unguided general purpose bomb with a high explosive warhead.. Local workers have already begun to neutralize the territory of the stadium.

Recall that on February 24, Russian President Putin made an urgent statement about conducting a special military operation on the territory of Ukraine, launching a large-scale invasion of Ukrainian cities..

On the first night of the war in Chernihiv, a rocket hit the stadium podium, the second night the stadium was fired upon by Grads, and the third - by aircraft.

In addition, near the stadium there was a small Desna base, which was also destroyed by the Russian invaders..

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Earlier it was reported that football was played for the first time at the Desny stadium in Chernihiv, bombed by the invaders..

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