The severity of Malinovsky's injury became known: will he help the Ukrainian team in the 2022 World Cup qualifiers

20 April 2022, 17:59 | Sports
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The injury of the Ukrainian midfielder of Atalanta Ruslan Malinovsky, which he received in the match of the 33rd round of Serie A against Verona, most likely turned out to be not serious.

According to the Football NEWS program, the 28-year-old football player will have time to recover for the match of the Ukrainian national team against Scotland in the semi-final of the playoffs for the 2022 World Cup.. Super-responsible for the "

On Wednesday, April 20, Malinowski is to have a consultation with doctors at the Bergamasks' training base.. The football player has already sewn up a dissection. It will likely take him a few days to recover.. However, the exact diagnosis and the timing of the return to the field will be announced later..

Ruslan has made 26 Serie A appearances for Atalanta this season, scoring 6 goals and providing two assists.. After 32 games played, Atalanta are in eighth place in Serie A with 51 points..

Recall that the winner of the match Scotland - Ukraine will reach the final of the playoffs, where on June 5 in Cardiff they will play for a ticket to the World Cup against Wales.

The draw for the final part of the 2022 World Cup has already taken place. If Petrakov's team can win a ticket to the world championship, then they will fight there in group B with England, the USA and Iran.

World Cup in Qatar will be held from November 21 to December 18, 2022.

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