Switzerland v Ukraine: UEFA decision on canceled Nations League match postponed again

21 November 2020, 16:39 | Sports
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UEFA will not decide on the canceled UEFA Nations League match between Switzerland and Ukraine on Monday 23 November, as previously reported.

As it became known, the specified date is the deadline by which both parties must submit a package of documents on this case.. Therefore, on November 23, clarity on the outcome of the match will not come.

It is noted that the consideration of the case will take place according to an accelerated procedure - the case will be considered immediately by the UEFA Appeals Committee, and not by the Control and Disciplinary Committee..

Probably, decisions on the game of the national teams will have to wait by the end of next week, writes Sport. ua.

The match Switzerland - Ukraine was not allowed to hold the authorities of the canton of Lucerne, where the fight was supposed to take place. The Ukrainian national team was sent to quarantine. Although both teams and UEFA were ready for the meeting. November 17 match canceled.

UEFA later reported that the UAF does not have another team of relevant players to play on 17 or 18 November.

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