Germans complained about the Russian club: they brought football fans disguised as journalists

30 October 2020, 14:15 | Sports
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Borussia Dortmund filed a complaint with UEFA against Zenit St. Petersburg after the Champions League round 2 match.

The German club believes that the residents of St. Petersburg brought football fans under the guise of journalists to the match, which took place without spectators..

One of the photos that have appeared on the Internet shows a man wearing a T-shirt that says " Petersburg on tour " This man was standing in the press space..


Borussia claims that the St. Petersburg club has made accreditation for the match for several fans. Dortmund has sent a request to UEFA, which approves accreditation for the Champions League, reports NRZ.

It is noted that UEFA has already redirected the question to Zenit, but the club has not yet answered.

The match Borussia - Zenit was held on October 28 and ended with a score of 2: 0 in favor of Dortmund.

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