Rich man's life: Conor McGregor boasts an expensive yacht he bought for about $ 3 million

12 October 2020, 22:40 | Sports
photo ТСН.ua
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Former UFC champion in two weight classes Conor McGregor pleased himself with the purchase of a rare yacht.

Irishman purchases a Lamborgini yacht with an approximate value of $ 3 million.

There were only 63 examples of such yachts in the style of a Formula 1 car.. Conor became the 12th owner of the "

The athlete shared the photos of the yacht on Instagram and called it " Earlier it became known that McGregor is going to fight against the legendary boxer Manny Pacquiao. On October 12, the Filipino signed a contract with Conor's promotion, thus getting closer to the fight, which is expected in 2021.

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