In intensive care: the legend of world football was hospitalized in the Czech Republic

08 October 2020, 05:22 | Sports
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Legendary Czech footballer Antonin Panenka was hospitalized in the Czech Republic.

The famous midfielder in the past is in intensive care. He is connected to devices that support his life, writes the official website of FC Bohemians.

The club asked fans and the media to respect the privacy of the former football player and notified that they could not comment on his condition now..

When he was a player Panenka played for Bohemians (Czech Republic), Rapid, St. Polten, Slovan, Hohenau, Kleinwiesendorf (all - Austria).

He has 59 matches and 17 goals scored for the national team of Czechoslovakia.

Panenka went down in football history by being the first to execute a penalty kick with a "

Panenke must turn 72 on December 2. He is currently the Honorary President of Bohemians.

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