Shakhtar's crazy match made it to the list of the best in the Champions League

25 August 2020, 19:25 | Sports
photo ТСН.ua
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The European Football Union (UEFA) has included the match of the 4th round of the group stage of the Champions League Dynamo Zagreb - Shakhtar in the eight most interesting matches of the 2019/20 season.

The match ended 3: 3 and gave the fans an incredible denouement. The Pitmen managed to recoup, scoring two goals in stoppage time.

Luis Castro's team scored the last ball from the penalty spot, which was earned by goalkeeper Andriy Pyatov in the opponents' penalty area.


Seven other matches of the season were also included in the list of the best.

Liverpool - Salzburg (4-3) Chelsea - Ajax (4-4) Leipzig - Benfica (2-2) Valencia - Atalanta (3-4) Liverpool.

The group stage of the new Champions League season starts on October 20, the draw will take place on October 1.

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