Shakhtar leader changed his hair before the Ukrainian Super Cup and showed it off in a selfie

25 August 2020, 03:31 | Sports
photo ТСН.ua
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Shakhtar Donetsk midfielder Brazilian Tyson changed his usual image.

The footballer shared a selfie with a new hairstyle in InstaStories - instead of thick hair, now he has pigtails.

He signed the photo with the name of the legendary basketball player Alain Iverson, who wore the same hairstyle..

In a new look, Tyson will play on Tuesday, August 26, in the match for the Ukrainian Super Cup against Dynamo. The fight will be held in Kiev at the NSC "

In 2019, Dynamo won the Ukrainian Super Cup, beating the Pitmen in Odessa with a score of 2: 1. Now Shakhtar and Dynamo have the same number of victories in the Super Cup - 8 each.

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