Shakhtar beat Basel and reached the Europa League semifinals

12 August 2020, 08:50 | Sports
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Donetsk Shakhtar beat Swiss Basel in the quarter-finals of the Europa League. The fight in German Gelsenkirchen ended with a score of 4: 1.

The Pitmen seized the initiative from the first minutes and took the lead in the 2nd minute of the meeting. Junior Moraes responded to Marlos' serve from a corner and shot the opponent's goal with a header.

Luis Castro's team were able to double their lead in the 22nd minute. Marlos gave it to Alan Patrick, he unexpectedly missed Tyson and the Brazilian, with one touch, sent the ball into the net with the help of a ricochet.

Even before the break, the Pitmen could have scored a third time. In the 40th minute, Marcos Antonio kissed the ball luxuriously, but hit exactly the crosspiece.

In the second half, Shakhtar brought the matter to defeat - in the 74th minute, Marchand knocked Tyson down in the penalty area, the chief referee Michael Oliver awarded a penalty. Alan Patrick undertook to execute the sentence and cold-bloodedly shot the Basel goalkeeper with a strong blow into the top corner.

At the very end of the meeting, the teams exchanged goals.

Dodo, two minutes before the end of regular time, finished the Pitmen's counterattack with an accurate shot to the bottom corner, and van Wolfswinkel already scored a prestige goal in stoppage time - 4: 1 In the semifinals, Shakhtar will play against Inter Milan, which had passed in the quarterfinals the day before. The match "

In another semi-final on 16 August, Manchester United will face Sevilla, who beat Wolverhampton 1-0 in the parallel quarter-finals. The winning goal in the 88th minute was scored by Lucas Ocampos.

The Europa League final is scheduled for 23 August in Cologne.

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