Champions League match postponed due to coronavirus among players

12 August 2020, 05:37 | Sports
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Final match of the preliminary round of the 2020/21 Champions League between Drita (Kosovo) and Linfield (Northern Ireland) postponed. It was supposed to take place on 11 August in Nyon, Switzerland.

The reason was the detection of a coronavirus among the players of "

UKRAINE IN EURO CUPS 2020/21: WHO WILL PLAY IN THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE AND WHO WILL PLAY IN THE EUROPEAN LEAGUE On August 7, one of the players tested positive for COVID-19, and on the 10th another player was diagnosed with the virus. After that, the Swiss authorities decided to send the entire team to quarantine, writes the BBC.

The decision on the fate of the match will be made by the UEFA Control and Disciplinary Body.

Earlier, UEFA published new rules for the qualification of European cups due to the pandemic, so as not to disrupt the tournament. Matches can only be rescheduled for the respective dates. In our case, this is September 14.

If it is not possible to organize the game within a certain time frame, the team will receive a technical defeat 0: 3.

The winner of the match Drita - Linfield will advance to the first qualifying round of the Champions League, where they will play against the Polish Legia.

Matches of the 1st qualify round are scheduled for August 18-19.

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