Dynamo is interested in the son of the legendary owner of the Ballon d'Or - media

12 August 2020, 02:10 | Sports
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Dynamo Kiev is considering the possibility of strengthening the squad by the Romanian Viitorul forward Rivaldinho, who is the son of the famous Barcelona forward and the Brazilian national team Rivaldo.

Reported by Sport. ro.

According to the source, the “white-blue” will compete for the 25-year-old Brazilian with the Polish “Cracovia” and “Legia”, as well as a team from the UAE.

Last season, Rivaldinho played 28 matches for Viitorul, in which he scored 11 goals and made 4 assists. His contract with the Romanian club is valid until the end of June 2021.

Previously, the forward played for the Bulgarian "

On the eve of TSN Prosport reported that Dynamo issued a transfer of the Ukrainian defender.

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