Warm up before returning to the ring: Mike Tyson has a fight with a ferocious predator

17 July 2020, 21:45 | Sports
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The legendary boxer Mike Tyson, who recently dumbfounded atrocious blows in training, competed with a very unusual opponent.


A video appeared on the web in which the 54-year-old athlete prepares to dive into the water to confront the predator. A show simulating the collision of Tyson and the white shark will be released on August 9 on Discovery Channel.

Tyson himself said that the duel with the shark added to his confidence before returning to the ring.

" This experience made me understand that I can overcome everything that stands in my way, "

Tyson announced his desire to return to boxing in April 2020. He is going to hold charity exhibition fights.

He has already received several offers, in particular from Shannon Briggs and Evander Holyfield, who is preparing to return to the ring Vladimir Klitschko.

The last fight "

Tyson has 56 fights in the professional ring: 50 wins (44 by KO), 6 losses. He is the absolute world champion in the heavy weight category among professionals (1987-1990), the world champion in versions of WBC (1986-1990, 1996), WBA (1987-1990, 1996), IBF (1987-1990), The Ring (1988 -.


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