German footballer disgraced by the song of the Croatian Nazis

15 July 2020, 09:42 | Sports
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Munich goalkeeper Manuel Neuer, who meets a girl younger than 15 years old, got into a scandal.

A video appeared on the Internet where he sings the song Que tu es belle (" The latter is a fan of the pro-Nazi Croatian Ustashi regime.

In a video published by Bild, Neuer sings with several friends, including Bayern goalkeeper coach Tony Tapalovich. Manuel has not yet commented on the incident, but his manager stated that the player does not speak Croatian and therefore does not understand the text.

In the song Que tu es belle, Perkovic refers to Herceg Bosna, an ephemeral Croatian republic that was never recognized internationally and dissolved after the signing of the Dayton Accords in 1995.

Neuer became the champion of Germany 2019/20 in the “Bavaria”.

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