Sports during pregnancy is good for moms and children

16 August 2018, 08:14 | Sports
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American experts say that sports and exercise during pregnancy positively affect not only the woman, but also the future baby.

Researchers from Thomas Jefferson University in the United States of America organized a large-scale study that helped prove that physical activity during a woman's pregnancy positively affects the mother and her future child. However, some doctors advise pregnant women to avoid sports, since it can cause premature birth.

A new study showed that physical stress neither as nor increases the risks of preterm birth, which occurs at a time earlier than thirty-seven weeks.

In the group of female respondents who participated in sports, seventy-three percent of the fair sex representatives went through natural childbirth. In a group where women did not engage in sports, only sixty-seven.

It was also noted that among women who choose physical activity, there were fewer cases of gestational diabetes and high blood pressure. Previous experiments have already proved that physical activity helps to improve the mood of pregnant women, improve the quality of sleep, besides this, representatives of the fair sex are much less likely to experience pain.

aspekty. net.

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