Ukrainka Ryzhikova won the second "silver" at the European Championships in Athletics

11 August 2018, 15:02 | Sports
photo ТСН.ua
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Ukrainian runner Anna Ryzhikova became second in the 400 meters with hurdles.

Ryzhikova qualified for the final of the competition with the best result.

In the decisive race, she lagged behind the first position, which took the Swiss athlete Li Shprunger, by 0.18 seconds. Anna's time is 54.51. This indicator was the best for Ryzhikova in the season.

The third place went to Megan Beazley, who represents Great Britain.

Previously, "gold" and "silver" won Natalia Prishchepa and Olga Liakhova in the race for 800 meters.

The combined European Championship is held in Glasgow and Berlin. It includes the continental championship in athletics, water sports, gymnastics, cycling, rowing, triathlon and golf.

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