Svitolina took revenge against the Belgian and reached the semifinals of the tournament in Montreal

11 August 2018, 14:24 | Sports
photo ТСН.ua
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The first racket of Ukraine and the fifth racket of the planet Elina Svitolina continues her way at the prestigious tournament in Montreal - Rogers Cup.

Svitolina in the 1/4 finals of the competition defeated the representative of Belgium - Eliza Mertens. The match, which lasted an hour and a half, ended with a score of 7: 5 and 6: 3 in favor of Elina.

In the semi-final Ukrainian woman will compete with the American - Sloan Stevens. Note that it was Mertens who knocked out Svitolina from the Australian Open-2018.

As for Stevens, then at these competitions she did not give rivals a single set. With Sloan Svitolina played twice - in the assets of both tennis players for one victory.

Recall, Elina is the current winner of the Rodgers Cup.

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