The referee who judged the match "Dynamo" - "Shakhtar", did not receive an appointment for the next round

09 August 2018, 20:38 | Sports
photo ТСН.ua
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The Arbitrators Committee of the Football Federation of Ukraine (FFU) decided to remove the main arbiter of Yuri Mozharovsky from his duties.

This judge will not serve the fights of the 4th round of the championship of Ukraine, which will be held from 10 to 12 August.

It is noted that Mozharovsky will also not work on the youth championship games, the First and Second leagues, as well as in the championship U-19.

It is interesting that this judge repeated the fate of his colleague Konstantin Trukhanov, who also was discharged from his duties.

True Trukhanov punished for as many as four matches.

Both judges were the main on the last two fights between Dynamo and Shakhtar. Trukhanov worked on the game for the Super Bowl, which culminated in a minimal victory of Kiev with a score of 1: 0, and Mozharovsky served the match of the championship of Ukraine, where also the wards of Alexander Khatskevich (1-0).

Recall that it was Mozharovsky recognized as the best judge of the season 2017/18.

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