Medvedev spoke about the reasons for leaving Russia

01 August 2018, 12:11 | Sports
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Star figure skaters continue to leave Eteri Tutberidze. Mentor of two Olympic champions has lost four students. Silver medalist of the Olympics in Pyeongchang Yevgeny Medvedev went to Canada to go to Brian Orser, went to Elena Buyanova Polina Tsurskaya, Anastasia Tarakanova switched to train Evgeni Plushenko, who will become the new coach Darya Panenkova is still unknown. What is the reason for such a massive exodus of female athletes from one of the most stellar Russian coaches? Medvedev, leaving, told reporters that she does not want to go into details, other skaters are silent. The main reason for the break-up could be the severe nature of Tutberidze,. RU". Striving to achieve the highest possible results, Eteri Georgievna sometimes rigidly treated her charges. So, Evgenie Medvedeva recalled that when she was younger, Tutberidze could drop her on the ice after the fall, asking: "Do you like lying around? Well, roll around".

Apparently, when the figure skater has matured, this motivation has ceased to function. Tutberidze herself believes that she acts like an ordinary parent who brings up her child. Another problem is that Eteri Georgievna prefers to bet on very young athletes - her young students easily jump jumps of three or even four turns, and against them, even the 18-year-old Medvedev already seems to be an "age" sportswoman. It's no wonder that in search of new sports achievements Eugene went to another coach and moved to Canada.

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