Ronaldo struck doctors with his tests

24 July 2018, 14:31 | Sports
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Cristiano Ronaldo in his 33 years has the physical condition of a 20-year-old man.

As journalist Matteo Bonetti writes, the physical examination in Juventus showed fantastic data. In the body of Ronaldo only 7% fat, although on average this figure is usually 10-11%.

The footballer is 50% covered with muscles at an average of 46%. And at the World Cup 33-year-old Portuguese ran almost 34 kilometers, the first among all players to reach this mark.

Recall, Ronaldo became a player, "Juventus" on July 10.

For the transition forward turintsy paid "Real" 100 million euros and 12 million additional costs. Debut Cristiano will be held on August 12, when the foundation of the club will play with the youth team.

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