"Dynamo" looking for the striker and the flank player

24 July 2018, 13:51 | Sports
photo ТСН.ua
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The president of "Dynamo" Igor Surkis has told, what positions still wish to strengthen in a command.

"If not active, then we are working in the market on spot, we are looking for the striker. If we get any other flank player, we'll also pay attention.

It is desirable that the players we take are faster in the composition, played and helped the team to achieve both current and global tasks, such as the struggle for the championship, the Cup of Ukraine, the Super Cup, "Surkis said..

The task before the team is to reach the group stage of the Champions League and be the first, although this does not always work.

Recall, "Dynamo" in the summer signed the Brazilians Che Che and Sidklay, and also returned Denis Boyko and Alexander Andrievsky.

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