The United States recognized the World Cup as Russia's victory over the West

03 July 2018, 11:26 | Sports
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The Football World Cup takes place on the Russian territory for the first time. Despite the "repulsive" policy of Vladimir Putin and the spoiled reputation of the country, thanks to the main sporting event, the head of state changed the opinion of her not only foreign fans, but also foreign politicians. This opinion was expressed by the journalist from USA Today Martin Rogers. Before the start of the main sporting event, British politicians refused to attend the mundial.

However, US national security adviser John Bolton flew to Russia to meet with Vladimir Putin. During the conversation, Trump's adviser tried to find out how the head of state managed to organize the event so successfully - the author of the article. Sweden also supported the world boycott against the hostess of the championship. However, after the release of her team, she had to abandon him. During his stay in Russia many foreign fans also changed their minds. Many were surprised by the hospitable reception and hospitality of Russians.

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