Ukrainians will not enter the Olympics because of the boycott

05 April 2018, 17:20 | Sports
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Ukrainian Greco-Roman wrestler, silver medalist of the 2016 Olympics Jean Beleniuk fears that due to the fact that the National team will not compete at the European Championships in Russia, she will lose the opportunity to participate in the World Championships and the Olympic Games. "We prepared the year for the European Championships, but we were forbidden to go to it. We prepare, we try. But the political situation ... Sometimes we can not change it, "the sportsman told Xsport. ua.

Belenyuk explained that the wrestlers do not have a rating system of evaluation, as in other sports, therefore, because of the missed European Championship, the International Federation may not admit the team of Ukraine to the world championship. "It's very bad - it's been losing the whole year. Because of this, we may not qualify for the Olympic Games. The situation is very complicated, in fact, "- added the Ukrainian wrestler. European Championship in Greco-Roman wrestling will be held in Kaspiysk from April 30 to May 6. Ukrainian team will not go to the tournament, as Ukrainians are forbidden to perform in Russia.

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