Italian clubs are interested in acquiring Dynamo Tsygankov

28 March 2018, 14:02 | Sports
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Young footballer of Kiev "Dynamo" Viktor Tsygankov interested in his game duo teams from the championship of Italy.

According to the scout of the Italian "Livorno" Alexei the Great, the services of the 20-year-old midfielder Kiev need "Fiorentina" and "Sampdoria".

"Fiorentina and Sampdoria very closely follow the market of young and progressive performers. These are the teams that are ready to invest in the transfers to the future.

Taking a talented football player at the right time for adequate money, and then reselling it after a certain time. I think, in the case of Tsygankov, both clubs will not be able to buy it for the amount they want. I emphasize that the successful performance of Victor in the match with Lazio raised its cost by two million euros minimum, and even higher, "- noted the Great.

Note that despite the young age, the head coach of "Dynamo" Alexander Khatskevich already entrusted Tsygankov captain's armband. This season on his account 19 fights, 10 goals scored and 7 assists.

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