5 facts about the effect of sport on the condition of the skin

24 March 2018, 14:48 | Sports
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Sport is a guarantee of health. Everyone has heard this statement, but in this article we will talk about how physical loads do not influence. on internal indicators (heart function and t. ), and on the outer - the skin of the face and body.

We used to think that sport has a positive impact on health. However, saying this we mean that regular exercises improve the work of the heart and blood vessels, the respiratory system. In addition, excess fat is burnt, the hormonal background normalizes. And finally, we bring the muscles into tonus, we become stronger and plastic. But not so long ago, doctors found that sports affect the skin. Let's discuss in detail how this happens.

Excretion of toxins Active sweating during exercise helps to remove toxins from the body and according to scientists, this method is the best detoxification. Moreover, sweat prevents the appearance of acne. most of all a person sweats through intensive cardio loads, such as jogging or aerobics.

However, there is also the reverse side of the coin: with prolonged contact with the skin, sweat provokes the appearance of rash and pore pollution. Before going to the hall, you must remove all cosmetic products from your face, and after the training it is recommended to take a shower immediately or within an hour. If you do not have such a possibility, then use a damp cloth or a wet towel.

It is interesting: Sweeteners with obesity lead to severe illness.

Stress reduction Stress is the main cause of excess weight. In addition, science such as psychosomatics also argues that excessive excitement and a constant state of anxiety provoke disease, and of course, deterioration of the skin.

Sport is one of the most effective ways to combat negative emotions.

First, because it gives an opportunity to throw out energy. Secondly, the mere fact that you have done something useful personally for yourself, increases self-esteem. And thirdly, the strongest sleep comes after training.

Improving the performance of blood vessels In a global sense, regular exercise normalizes the heart rate. In a more in-depth version, during physical exertion, work takes place not only over the muscles, but also over the thinnest vessels-the capillaries. They are located directly under the surface of the skin, and it is they that deliver oxygen and nutrients to the outer veils of the body, ensuring a constant supply of skin with the necessary elements.

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Preservation of youth Collagen and elastin are two substances necessary for the elasticity of the skin. They are synthesized in the human body independently. However, after 25 years the amount of these elements, and, consequently, the ability of the skin cells to renew and maintain the shape weaken.

During sports, collagen and elastin are also produced, and in large quantities.

Getting rid of bags under the eyes Puffiness and dark skin under the eyes - the result of stagnation of lymph and toxins in the body.

Sport allows you to get rid of these problems, because the metabolism is accelerated, and excess fluid is removed from the body with sweat.

Thus, physical exertion is necessary not only to maintain the figure, but also to improve the skin condition, acquire a healthy complexion and get rid of black spots. In this case, doctors do not recommend daily exhausting themselves in the gym. Enough 2-3 workouts per week.

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