Ukrainian biathlete disappointed in the country

23 March 2018, 17:10 | Sports
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Ukrainian biathlete Vita Semerenko spoke about her attitude towards the government's decision, which prohibited its athletes from participating in any competitions in Russia. The boycott has already hit hard on Nezalezhnaya, which because of the missed World Cup in Tyumen lost its increased quota of athletes for the next season. Semerenko admitted that Kiev did not solve the problem by ignoring the tournaments, but only aggravated it. "What problem are you talking about? What problem did we solve? In my opinion, the trip to the final stage with the constructive has nothing in common," - quotes her "Sport Express".

At the same time, the biathlete stressed that the races in Tyumen for her are an ordinary competition, on which she has been performing for more than 15 years.

Despite the fact that Semerenko does not support the boycott, she will continue her speech for the country and will not move to the Russian national team. "I do not see the point now about this talk. I could quite realize myself as part of the national team of Ukraine, "she added.. Ukraine March 13 temporarily refused to participate in any sporting events in Russia.

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