Ukrainian boxer Beringchik defied McGregor

23 March 2018, 15:59 | Sports
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Undefeated Ukrainian boxer Denis Birinczyk challenged UFC lightweight champion Conor McGregor.

Our boxer confidently stated that he will deal with the Irishman in the octagon.

"If you rise in weight and meet with Conor MacGregor in the ring, of course, you could show a good fight.

If we met with him in the octagon, then Conor is not up to jokes, "- said Berinchik in the commentary channel Luckypunch.

Note that McGregor did not play in the UFC for more than a year, but plans to return to Octagon in August.

Recall, in December, Berinchik knocked out Filipino Allan Wallespin and won the first title in the pro - WBO Oriental lightweight title. The Ukrainian confidently defeated the opponent in this fight, at the beginning of the 10th round putting it on the ring flooring.

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