WADA condemned the harsh treatment of Russian athletes

22 March 2018, 16:31 | Sports
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The International Olympic Committee (IOC) undermines the credibility of the anti-doping community. This statement was made by the vice-president of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Linda Helleland. She attacked the functionaries who prevented the Russian national team from participating in the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang. "Many athletes, the media and the public were bewildered, as some athletes were allowed to participate in international competitions and at the same time they were not allowed to the Olympic Games," quoted Inside the Games indignant Helleland. So it should not be, said the vice president of WADA. "Pure athletes need clarity of rules, understanding of the consequences. They deserve open and transparent hearings, at which critical decisions are made, "she said, noting that she understands the indignation of Russian athletes who complained about the way IOC and CAS hearings took place on the eve of the 2018 Games and already during the competitions. When deciding the fate of athletes, it is necessary to follow clear criteria, stated Helleland. She expressed the hope that in future such confusing situations will not be repeated. "We must make sure that the leaders of sports organizations understand the negative consequences of such incidents.

They undermine the credibility of the entire anti-doping community, "the Vice-President of WADA said, without mentioning, however, the IOC directly, but frankly hinting at him. Earlier WADA head Craig Reedy said that Moscow had done a great job in order to restore the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA). However, this is not possible until Russia recognizes that the anti-doping rule violation in the country was systematic. Under the new rules, until RUSADA starts work, Russia will not be able to host international launches.

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