"Schalke" continues the winning streak in the Bundesliga

18 February 2018, 11:39 | Sports
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"Schalke" in the first half set the pace of the game for all the upcoming 90-something. At the very beginning of the fight with the filing of a corner Tim Kerner picked up the transfer and earned the first goal for his team. Just two minutes later Embola made the score 2: 0, however, the football player was offside, the goal was not counted by the flanking referee. However, in the middle of the sparring, all the same Embola still realized the error of protecting the "guests" - the score on the scoreboard was 2: 0.

In the second half, "Hoffenheim" tried to recoup and they succeeded.

Kramaric struck his head made the score 2: 1. However, the defense of "Schalke" quickly podsobralas and no longer gave the opponent to get closer to their penalty area. The match ended with a victory of "cobalt".

At the moment, "Schalke" scored 37 points (10 wins and 7 draws with 6 losses) and ranks fifth in the tournament grid of the Bundesliga.

As reported in "Ur-Inform", recently "Schalke" lost in the match against the German "Werder Bremen".

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