Ukrainian biathlete with tears in her eyes commented on her performance at the Olympics

15 February 2018, 15:24 | Sports
photo ТСН.ua
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Ukrainian biathlete Anastasia Merkushina commented on her performance in the individual race at the 2018 Olympics.

In an interview she gave to the First National, Merkushin with tears in her eyes admitted that her result could not be any excuses.

"I can not say anything in my defense. I do not know what happened. Yesterday everything was perfect - it worked perfectly during training. I do not think it's emotion, it's some kind of mistake. The shooting was perfect, and why it does not go in the race - I do not understand, "Anastasia said..

Another biathlete Valya Semerenko was more positive after the race, although she did not manage to win the medal.

"At the last shooting range, I did not have to invent anything.. In my condition, even if there was minus a minute of time, and not a plus, there was no good result. On the last laps there was no strength, so tired. After the sprint again, the painful condition was. I went to the start, because it's the Olympic Games, but nothing came of it, "Semerenko said..

Recall that Ukrainian biathletes have not been able to obtain favorable results in the individual race.

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