WADA sacrificed Russia

27 November 2017, 14:31 | Sports
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Former president of WADA anti-doping agency, member of the International Olympic Committee Richard Pound said that punishment for Russia will be a lesson "how not to do" for other countries. From his words, Moscow should also not be allowed to the Olympic Games in South Korea. Pound noted that the presence of the national team at the Games in 2016 was a big mistake by the IOC. "I had a frank conversation with the head of the IOC, Thomas Bach, and he did everything possible to close my mouth before the committee's decision," added Pound. The former WADA president stressed that he was very grateful to Richard McLaren for his competent and thorough investigation. Eckpert called on athletes to be active in the management of international sports federations. According to him, such organizations survive only for their wallet, not for people. After a number of decisions of the IOC Commission, the Russian national team lost three gold and four silver medals. In the overall standings of the Olympic Games in 2014, Russia fell to second place, conceding Norway. Decision on the participation of Russian athletes at the Games of 2018 will be adopted in early December. Meanwhile, Moscow has already received an official invitation to the meeting on the future fate of the Olympians. His opinion, on this occasion, was expressed by the special envoy of the President of South Korea, Son Yong Gil. According to him, Seoul hopes for an objective decision of the commission on December 5 and fully supports Russia, RIA Novosti reports.. Support for the national team in this situation is urgently needed. This is understood by a schoolboy from St. Petersburg, who launched a flashmob. Hashtag spread all over the web. The initiator himself did not expect such a response from users who supported his idea.

Earlier, WADA did not restore the rights of RUSADA. Many argue that this is the first step towards the removal of our country from the Olympics in South Korea.

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