On the charge become

26 August 2017, 13:40 | Sports
photo e-news.com.ua
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Dance aerobics - designed for active and plastic women. Many varieties of this trend will allow you to choose what you like. But remember, not every one of us can withstand the crazy rhythm of training, which, while accompanied by music, is held without pauses and stops.

Callanetics is designed for lovers of quiet, leisurely pursuits, as well as those who are far beyond 30. He trains deep muscles and allows you to spend a huge amount of energy: 1 hour of callanetics matches 24 hours of aerobics!.

Simulators are invented for purposeful natures. No other sport will help you achieve such "relief" and "drying" of the body. Disadvantages: the results are not visible immediately, and the training process itself is rather tiring.

Tai-Bo - "combat" aerobics with elements of martial arts. Excellent relieves stress, improves mood and tone, regulates heart function, improves overall self-esteem. Contraindications are difficult to find.

Well, and those who do not like group classes, it is recommended to have good old sports: jogging, swimming and cycling (the only negative is the seasonality of these sports). Regular exercise and balance of loads will help you achieve the desired result in 4-5 weeks ....

Sportzal. Com.

Based on materials: sportzal.com

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