Messi promised Neimaru "Golden Ball", if he remains in the "Barcelona"

16 August 2017, 06:20 | Sports
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Forward "Barcelona" Lionel Messi wanted that Neymar stayed in the Catalan club.

For this, the Argentine striker even tried to sacrifice the "Golden Ball", which was to become the Brazilian striker Neymar.

"What do you want? Do you want the" Golden Ball "? I'll help you get it," - said Messi Neimaru. The captain of the team of Argentina tried together with Suarez to dissuade Neimar from transferring to PSG, however, we all know how this story ended.

Recall that Neimar joined the French club in early August 2017. It should be noted that the transfer of Neimar cost the leadership of PSG in 222 million euros, which is a new world record.

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