"Carpathians" lost again in football. "Mariupol" defeated "lions" in the home game

14 August 2017, 01:22 | Sports
photo ТСН.ua
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Newbie FDA FC "Mariupol" calmly beat Lviv "Karpaty" in the match of the 5th round of the Ukrainian championship with a score of 3: 0.

It should be noted that as part of the "Azov" scored Churko and Bolbat, another ball into his own goal scored Lebedenko.

This match was attended by ex-coach of Ukraine Myron Markevich. There are rumors that he can replace in the near future in the coaching chair of the current mentor of the Lvov Sergio Navarro.

Recall that it was on this game, "Carpathia" refused to go because of the fact that near Mariupol there is a zone of military operations.

After this victory in the asset "Mariupol" now 8 points and 5 line in the standings of the ULE. "Carpathians", in turn, have 4 points and are on the 9th place.

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