Why workouts do not always work

12 August 2017, 08:04 | Sports
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Scientists have finally found this explanation.

To such, at first glance, a strange conclusion came the European scientists. They claim that about 20% of people do not benefit from sports. According to them, only those lucky people who have certain genes can feel all the benefits of an active lifestyle.

Experts from the University of London examined more than 500 volunteers from Europe and the United States. For several weeks they performed various physical exercises for 30 minutes five days a week. Scientists, meanwhile, watched how the status of the participants changed after classes, and the amount of oxygen in their blood was measured.

And after 5 months, scientists noted that most of the subjects began to absorb significantly more oxygen during exercise, which indicated the effectiveness of physical activity and human resistance to disease.

At the same time, in 20% of participants, the improvement was insignificant - the level of oxygen consumed by them increased by less than 5%. To determine how much oxygen will be consumed, scientists were able to study the DNA of volunteers.

They found out that 30 genes are responsible for the uptake of oxygen, 11 of which are interrelated with changes in the physical state after exercise.

Every fifth of us has such a structure of genes that does not affect the ability of physical exercises to strengthen immunity and protect the body from heart diseases and diabetes. Carriers of such genes are more useful to sit on a diet than to faint on a treadmill.

Cosmo. Com. Ua.


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