Sport helps reduce hunger

12 August 2017, 01:16 | Sports
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According to the British scientists, the exercises immediately after lunch help to lose weight, increasing the level of hormones that suppress appetite.

Active people experience less hunger after exercise, which allows them to eat less at the next meal, suggest experimental data.

Even eating a little more, exercising people received less energy, as they burned its surplus.

Twelve investigated. They all ate the same breakfast, and half an hour later, and half did the bike exercise.

After an hour-long break, all participants could eat again as much as they want.

People who were engaged burned more calories, which is not surprising. They spent about 490 kcal, while those who were at rest - only 190.

After the break, people who were engaged, ate food at 913 calories, and those who just sat - at 762.

Despite the fact that the absolute number of calories in the engaged group was large, the relative number of "recruited" calories was 421 vs. 565.

Volunteers who practiced sports also noted that they experienced much less feeling of hunger than usually during after training.

This is because the level of hormones called PYY, GLP-1 and PP has increased in the brain of the "sports group" after training, which cause a feeling of satiety.

On the recommendation of experts, each person should try to be engaged for half an hour within five days a week.

Medicinform. Net.

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