Famous British tennis player caught on the use of cocaine

24 June 2017, 16:15 | Sports
photo УРА-Информ
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This information is provided by the Air Force.

The report says that in the blood of the 50th racket of the world, traces of cocaine.

It is reported that since April, the British bronze racket has won only two games - the Brazilian Thiago Monteiro and the German Michael Zverev in Barcelona.

At all "Masters-1000", as well as "Roland Garros", he flew in the first round.

"I made a mistake.

I do not deny for a moment that my behavior is unacceptable. This was a sad and humiliating experience. I raised my relatives, coaches, sponsors, the whole country and my fans. Sincerely I apologize, "- said caught on the hot Evans.

It is noteworthy that the tennis player played for the British team in the Davis Cup.

Earlier, URA-Inform reported that the fifth racket of the world Ukrainian Elina Svitolina told that it is likely to miss Wimbledon because of a serious leg injury.

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