Symptoms and causes of pain

30 May 2023, 07:34 | The Company
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As a rule, the liver manifests itself in liver and pain in the breasts, approximately in the area of \u200b\u200bsony gossip. Sometimes an unacceptable taste in the mouth is added to it and acidity in the throat. The symptoms of the liver are different in the fallow in the fact that it itself calls out, that the infamous state of the organism.

Pechia: symptoms and causes.

bіl that squeezing in the area of \u200b\u200bthe thoracic cavity;

liver in the stravokhod;

unacceptable, sour taste in mouth;


importance in the slack, or, on the other hand, in the wake of hunger, wanting a slug again;


The skin symptom is unacceptable, and in the complex the stench can be simply unbearable. To this varto understand the causes of the furnace, so that they can be unique.

In the shell of a person there is a shell sik, in the warehouse of which ammonia and acids, including hydrochloric acid, are included. The stench is necessary for over-pickling їzhi. Healthy mucosal lining of nadiyno mucosal infiltrations of aggressive acidic acids. If there are virazki in yoga structures, otherwise acid uses names - in organs that interact with acid, causing teasing. Yogo show people and vodchuvaє, like a stove.

Causes of acid consumption in stravohid can:.

transfer. The sluice of perepovneniya їzheyu, yogo instead of throwing into the stravohid;

singing napoi - gasy, alcoholic, kavovy, deyakі sour juices can cause a reaction of the stool in looking at an increase in acidity;

product, what to tease the slut - fatter, gostre, lubricated;

obese, with some internal organs can be too tight, which leads to the release of slunic acid into the stravochid;

vagіtnіst — the uterus to put pressure on the organs of the empty stomach, provocative acid acid.

Navit in healthy people є chimalo reasons for baking. Well, a person is suffering from a disease of SHK, so, reflux, gastritis, chi virazka, baking doshkulyaє їm constantly.

How to get rid of the symptoms of the stove If there is an ailment that provokes the stove, the patient needs a complex treatment. The sooner a person turns to the doctor, the sooner you can help. The treatment regimen often includes drugs and antacids, which help to neutralize the acid. Rennie tablets from Bayer are known to be effective.. The stench of revenge on calcium and magnesium.

Rennie can be taken for recognition of a doctor in the capacity of additional therapy with increased acidity of the tube, or periodically for the presence of a stove. The drug is allowed without a prescription, but it is necessary to follow the instructions before implantation.

*Advertising medicinal products. Before stopping, it is necessary to consult with a doctor and get familiar with the instructions. Self-adjustment can be bad for your health. Save in places inaccessible to children. Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine: Rennes with menthol relish, No. 24 UA/7798/01/01 id 22. 12. 2017; Rennes with orange flavor, №24 UA/7799/01/01 id 08. eleven. 2017; Renny without tsukru, mint No. 24 UA/6025/01/01 vіd 31. 01. 2017;

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