DNA registry to be created in Ukraine - Bakumov

16 April 2022, 07:08 | The Company
photo glavnoe.ua
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The Verkhovna Rada supported in the first reading the draft law " This was announced by one of the authors of the bill Alexander Bakumov.


The bill helps to solve a number of other extremely important issues:.

identification of missing persons;

identification of unidentified human corpses, their remains and human body parts;

identification of persons who, due to their state of health, age or other circumstances, are unable to provide information about themselves.

The Law Enforcement Committee changed the approach set out in the original text of the bill and provided for mandatory DNA sampling of military personnel, police officers and rescuers during martial law..

At the same time, the introduction and processing of such information for this group is possible only when specific circumstances occur, in particular in the event of a missing person or the need to identify human corpses (their remains or parts of the human body).

A special rule provides for the mandatory collection and processing of a DNA sample from prisoners of war (combatants).

" The bill is difficult, but extremely necessary,"

In Ukraine, molecular genetic expertise and state registration of genomic information are still being carried out. However, this process is regulated by by-laws, which significantly complicates it, makes it unsystematic and relatively inconsistent, which reduces its overall effectiveness..

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