New SBU intercepts: Russians refuse to go to the front line

13 April 2022, 15:50 | The Company
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The Russian military tells their relatives about the disappointing results of the fighting in Ukraine for Russia and that many refuse to go to the front line - this is evidenced by another intercept by the Security Service of Ukraine.

“Yesterday the convoy was going back, 10 kilometers from here… Two Tigers, a Typhoon, some other equipment.

The " The fractures are open, it was impossible to see there.

And tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we will leave for Tetkino, from there there will be a redeployment - and, probably, to the "

“According to the stories of the guys who are with our boss Smirnov in the Bryansk region, it’s a complete fuck-up there: everyone refuses to go there, they don’t want to go... They get documents for them and fire them,” he continues.

According to the serviceman, the boss "

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