Water pipes were checked and repaired in almost half a thousand houses in the Nemyshlyansky district of Kharkov

21 September 2021, 02:15 | The Company
photo glavnoe.ua
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Brigades of KP "

This was announced by the head of the section of the Nemyshlyansky district of the department for maintenance of the in-house systems of the Kharkivwater disposal complex Iolanta Dikaya. According to her, according to the plan, the teams moved 160 m of cold water supply systems, replaced 90 units of valves and 103 m of sewerage networks..

“In addition to the planned relocations, we also carry out emergency and recovery repairs..

Our employees continue to fully carry out work on the preparation of facilities for operation in the autumn-winter period and promptly respond to requests from residents of our area "

The company also noted that, as part of the current repairs, they replaced more than 340 m of cold water supply networks in 14 houses of the district, and also fully fulfilled the plan for re-laying the drainage networks and carrying out preventive work with the replacement of worn-out storm sewers..

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