In France, more than a thousand farmers arrived on tractors to the building of the European Parliament

01 May 2021, 03:18 | The Company
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A large protest action by French farmers is taking place on Friday in Strasbourg near the European Parliament, writes France24.

Farmers arrived at the building of the European Parliament for 1.5 thousand. tractors. The action was organized by two branches of regional trade unions of farmers.

Farmers protest against the ongoing revision of the parameters of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy in Brussels.

The bill is being studied by MEPs, as well as by the EU Council of Ministers and the European Commission. New rules for financing agriculture in the community countries will enter into force in 2023. France is due to submit its national agricultural plan to the European Commission in June as part of this discussion.

French farmers believe that changes in the EU's common agricultural policy will lead to a significant reduction in financial subsidies for at least a third of French farms.

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